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Rinckes Alisha

Whiskey and Sugar and other short stories

Emery Mark
2. Betreuer/-in:
Crivelli Mira
Kantonsschule Wiedikon
Fach: Literatur
Entertaining the reader has always been my primary intention.

Allowing the reader to fully immerse themself in a story while creating a world that is unlike one's own, is what inspires me to write short stories. Each story transports you to somewhere new: at times into a world that is harsh and cruel; or one that is cold and sterile; or, conversely, one full of warmth and hope. Some stories were inspired by current events; others were simply written for fun.
Writing short stories gives me the freedom to play with both writing styles and different themes. In some stories I use a more descriptive and serious language, in others a more playful and casual one, to reflect the main characters and to highlight their personalities.
Understanding and exploring emotions plays a big part in the project. How can I set a scene and describe a chain of events in a way that is convincing and gripping? How can I relay what a character might be feeling?
The result is a collection of five short stories, encompassing a wide range of topics and motifs, spanning from our approach to economic growth, the portrayal of mental health on social media, to love and affection and the fear of losing someone.